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Are you a Jonahre artist?

Jonahre ARTISTS capture the Imagination through artistic images that bring messages of Biblical truth to expression.

Please submit the following to be selected as a Jonahre Artist:

  • Do you work as an artist to the glory of Christ as your Savior - explain?
  • Do you see your art as a witness to the lifestyle of the believer - explain?
  • How does your art depict Biblcial truth through the images you create?
  • Submit your story and a piece(s) of your art and share how it communicates your journey or place in the journey of being a Christ follower.

Jonahre artists will be Eligible to:

  • link their website to the Jonahre website
  • Display a selected work on the Jonahre website
  • Have the opportunity to sell their art through the platform of Jonahre art through this website.

. Auction

. Charities

. Fund

. Joy Articles

. Catalogue

Contact  Dr. Christine Gunn-Danforth: email: or